Thursday, June 26, 2008


Carlos P. Romulo, First Asian President, UN General Assemby, 1949-1950
30 ctvs.

Gen. Gregorio del Pilar, Tirad Pass, 2 ctvs.

Statue of Liberty, USA, 5 ctvs. & 18 ctvs.

Special Delivery, 20 ctvs.

Special Delivery, 20 ctvs.

Red Lauan, 2 ctvs.

Rizal Monument, 4 ctvs.

Bonifacio Monument, 10 ctvs.

City of Manila, 6 ctvs.

City of Zamboanga, 6 ctvs.

City of Bacolod Official Seal, 6 ctvs.

City of Iloilo, 5 ctvs.

Province of Bulacan Official Seal, 20 ctvs. & 6 ctvs.

Province of Capiz Official Seal, 6 ctvs.

Colonnade of Palm Trees, 50 ctvs.

Mayon Volcano, 20 ctvs.

Jones Bridge, 12 ctvs.


the only juz said...
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the only juz said...

cool! knowing that these are rare items and fit for stamp collectors, can I possibly ask how much is one stamp worth today? :o just curious. :)