Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Zoom, Zoom, Superman! (1973)
(Movie ad courtesy of Simon Santos of

Click images to enlarge

Ariel Ureta in his first movie as Superman.

Rita Gomez plays the mad scientist in the movie.

Celia Rodriguez as the Babaing Gagamba.

Rosanna Ortiz as the 100-year old witch

Gina Alajar as the 12-year old witch

Gina Pareno as Cheetah

* * * * * *


Geekwatch said...

Do you have an idea on where to get a copy of this movie?

Anonymous said...

Classic action adventure superhero comedy fantasy film starring Ariel Ureta Gina Pareno Gina Alajar Celia Rodriguez Rita Gomez & Rosemarie Gil released in 1973 the offshoot of DC Comics characters in TV films comicbooks and media became a compilation movie by public domain in the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

I am the fan of classic Filipino TV & movies in popular media thrroughout the world my name is Wayne Moises from California USA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I have watched the movie before, in our 14" Sony trinitron. those days, we are all excited even in a small screen.