Wednesday, September 8, 2010

RONNIE POE-LITO LAPID JOINT B-DAY AFFAIR! (Modern Romances Magazine, September 8, 1980)

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Modern Romances, September 8, 1980
(Courtesy of Eric Nadurata)

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Anonymous said...

He is the nephew of the late Jess Lapid Sr. son of Jose Emmanuel Lapid former Filipino actor and stuntman in the Philippines now two time senator of the Philippines 71 years father of Mark Lapid and Maynard Lapid.

Anonymous said...

Lito Lapid (b.1954 Philippines) Filipino actor stuntman film producer director and politician senator of the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

Lito Lapid portrayed as soldier hoodlum cowboy criminal and other roles in Filipino TV and movies in the Philippines.